Pentobarbital Nembutal solution suppliers in Europe

Pentobarbital Nembutal solution suppliers in Europe

Pentobarbital Nembutal solution suppliers

Pentobarbital Nembutal solution suppliers

We are a reliable and legal Nembutal (pentobarbital) and seconal (secobarbital) utility company providing a positive business record over our years in Nembutal. We ship Pentobarbital Nembutal solution suppliers worldwide and have most of our customers from the USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Europe, Thailand, and South Korea.

We have split our company into two locations to meet customer requirements worldwide and reduce delivery time. We source our Nembutal and secobarbital from Switzerland and India directly from the source. Our service is discreet from state to finish. Order from us and enjoy our quality products and services.

EXP: 12 to 24 hrs (RT) variable (Review specialized reference for additional info).
Label: Do not refrigerate.Onset: 15-60 min
(Oral): 1-4 hrs (IV): 15 min

May be given deep IM (max 250mg per site) or by slow IV injection. Note: can be given IV undiluted.

Hypnotic (Adult):
Oral: 100-200mg qhs.
IM: 150-200mg.
IV: Initially 100mg, may repeat q1-3min up to 200-500mg total dose. Rectal: 120-200mg at bedtime.

Preoperative sedation: IM: 150-200 mg.

Pentobarbital Nembutal solution suppliers coma in head injury patients: IV loading dose of 5-10 mg/kg over 1 to 2 hours. Maintenance: Initial: 1 mg/kg/hr; may increase to 2-3 mg/kg/hr. Monitor for dose-dependent cardiovascular and respiratory depression. Maintain serum concentration at 2-4 mg/dl.

Supplied: 50mg/ml-1ml, 2 ml, 20ml, 50ml. (C-II)


Dosages of barbiturates must be individualized with full knowledge of their particular characteristics and recommended rate of administration. Factors of consideration are the patient’s age, weight, and condition. Parenteral routes should be used only when oral administration is impossible or impractical.

Anticonvulsant use
In convulsive states, the dosage of NEMBUTAL Sodium Solution should be kept to a minimum to avoid compounding the depression which may follow convulsions. The injection must be made slowly with due regard to the time required for the drug to penetrate the blood-brain barrier.

Special patient population
Dosage should be reduced in the elderly or debilitated because these patients may be more sensitive to barbiturates. Dosage should be reduced for patients with impaired renal function or hepatic disease.

Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution containers permit. Solutions for injection showing evidence of precipitation should not be used.

Order NEMBUTAL Sodium Solution (pentobarbital sodium injection, USP) is available in the following sizes: 20-mL multiple-dose vial, 1 g per vial (NDC 67386- 501-52); and 50-mL multiple-dose vial, 2.5 g per vial (NDC 67386-501-55).

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